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Unprogramming ourselves from "Black & White" thinking

Society teaches "It's black or it's white" and you must only live always in the white or you're "bad, sick & wrong!" There's so much shame attached to that! And not to mention…it’s impossible to live only in the “white”.

No one lives only & always in the white. In fact all of us exist in the gray for the majority of our time here on this planet. I, for one KNOW that I purposefully chose for my last name to be "GRAY" for this incarnation to constantly remind me of this. It was (is) THAT important to me (and for all of us).

First step? Let’s remove that programming of “black & white” thinking.

Next…start playing in the gray!

The space of the in-between is where magical and witchy people exist. One foot in each world. The relationship with the void is something that can be cultivated and explored for many lifetimes! It can be scary, it can be fun, it can be downright terrifying, it can be so beautiful you can barely believe it… it’s all the things! Interaction with the void is where all magical things come from! All the best things!

We have to stop being afraid of the gray and instead realize that’s where all the juicy best things come from.

Now…lets expand. Because of the energy that’s on the planet now…it’s actually turning into multiple feet in multiple worlds! We as humans have only 2 feet, right? So…now we tap into spider magic. Multiple legs in multiple worlds. Bringing all that potency back from the void(s) into this realm to weave something magical and amazing. I’ll be doing a video post about this soon (as it’s much too rich with information to write about…that would be a book!) But start to imagine and ponder on ….Spider Magic!

It’s getting really fun!

But if you don’t know what’s actually happening, it can be scary and frustrating. These times are no joke and it’s utterly imperative that we consciously act….every single act having SUCH consciousness behind it. We are made for this. We’ve been preparing and practicing for so long. This is happening. WE are happening! It’s where we’re at….may as well have some God damn fun! Video coming soon.

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