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"It just IS"...

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

I think that many people with trauma have lived so much of their lives surviving by running ahead of it. Always staying 2-3 steps ahead of it. And honestly, it’s impressive! I’ve seen some people do it to a MASTERFUL degree! But the problem with that is, if you’re always only 2-3 steps ahead of a runaway freight train, then it only takes 1 blow to knock you down & no matter how fast you manage to get yourself back up, you’ve now gotten slammed into by that freight train. Now you’re down. Now you’re stuck (and that can look many different ways)

The other problem with that is-there’s never any time to rest. And a nervous system that literally never rests is a dead nervous system. Our nervous system is our emotional body. So, no downloads can come in. No true restful communion can happen. No true REST will be accepted by the nervous system.

Trauma can not be simplified into a “quick fix” type of situation. It’s not like “It’s ok. I got a life coach & I have a life plan mapped out”. That’s not the way out of this…it’s not that type of energy.

It’s working on Ancestral work. Day after day. Week after week. Steadily moving through it. That seems so exhausting to people that most give up before they’ve started. I get it. Trust me, I get it! But the truth is, avoiding that work & living in the active “running” type of energy is SOOOO much harder! (IYKYK). And another fun truth is- with each step you take towards healing it, you immediately start to free up energy. Then with that free’d up energy, things start to feel lighter & get easier. Then you can move through it even more.

What that often looks like is – getting happier as soon as you start taking steps to heal it & address it.

(mind you, I didn’t say “being happy 100% of the time”. But you DO get more happy & joyful over-all)

It’s SO worth it! If you really think about it….it’s the only choice. In this time in history/herstory & with the energy that’s currently on the planet (& among the collective), there’s no way forward without doing this work.

I love you. I see you. I’m here for you. And I’m sending so much love.

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