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This energy has come to change everything. So...let everything change!

We are in the Lions Gate Portal. Do you feel this energy?!!?

The Lions Gate Portal is when the Sun and Sirius align. The Sun is (among many things) an ACTIVATOR. And Sirius (often known as “The Spiritual Sun” or “The Heart of the Sun”) amplifies that energy. When these planets align, it creates the most electric activating transformative energy we can imagine! This adds (in a big way) to a furthering of the intense and powerful metamorphosis that we have all been undergoing.

The height of the Lion’s Gate Portal is August 8th. This is already so powerful with these planets aligning and with that 8/8 energy! Whew! But to add even more potency, this year it falls on a Sunday (the day ruled by the Sun. The ruling sign of Leo) AND…it’s a New Moon! I mean………WOW! Can you say POWERFUL?!!?

This builds on the Siriun Stargate portal that BLEW US AWAY back in July. Woah, the activations and streaming in energies that I experienced from July 3-7th was intense (what an understatement!) This very helpful energy came in to change everything. So, my dearest friends……….let everything change.

This is very important and my Guides are saying it’s the biggest message for me to share right now…. This energy has come in to change everything, so….


We all want to hold on for dear life to things that help us feel comfortable. We want to hold on to what we’re used to…even if it’s not that great. This is what Cancer season taught us, right? We want to stay in the shells we’ve gotten used to (even if we have outgrown them and so they are now uncomfortable and pinchy) because…we know how to navigate within that shell. We’ve spent time, energy and blood sweat and tears figuring out how to navigate within that shell. So of course we don’t want to shed it and go into the next bigger one. But soon enough it gets so painful and pinchy that we don’t have a choice. The energy that’s on the Planet right now is amplifying this process X’s 1,000! Move consciously into the next shell that is more capable of holding you (and where you can thrive more!)…move into it CONSCIOUSLY in order to save time and avoid a lot of discomfort and pain. Let the changes that want to happen happen!

This is surrender. Remember “surrender” does NOT mean “give up”. Surrender means…….ultimate faith. Ultimate trust in oneself and in Source.

It’s time to stand in your power in a REGAL way. You DO know what you know….you DO get the downloads that provide you with true knowledge. Root in the knowing of that. OWN THAT. Allow this sacred wisdom to truly be embodied by you in each and every moment. As my Guides have been constantly telling me…”Step up onto that higher platform…and STAY THERE”.

We are the powerhouses from all over the realms of the cosmos united with one common goal…to return balance and love unto this planet…Mama. And as She rises, so do We.


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