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The Guides of the Collective have a message to share...

We are flanked by support! Last night the energy in my house was SO gorgeous! My whole house was full. My whole house was surrounded. I felt at one with the trees around my house, the air that I was breathing, the earth that ran under my house and surrounded me. And FLANKED by Guides, Ancestors & Helpers. It was SO beautiful!

I feel so grateful and so in AWE of what’s happening. I knew that the times like this were coming, but I didn’t know how it would “start”. And there was always part of me that was like “Yeah right”….that type of world (the world I was seeing with my inner eyes) is SO far off! For that to happen, SO much would have to change! The whole WORLD would have to completely change.

How little did I know at the time that I was right! The whole world IS changing.

The whole Earth is ascending. Rising out of Her old dense shell like a snake shedding Her skin. Systems & structures that served that old dense way of being are collapsing. When things collapse, it looks like chaos. When things that are THIS big collapse, it looks like utter mayhem.

It’s up to Us Wayshowers to look past the fear & illusions to see what’s really happening. The Earth is not doing all of this merely because She’s pissed off. Mama is NOT retaliatory! And people that are dying had contracts to show up this way at this time. It’s that and/or they cannot come to the new earth and don’t want to stay on the old one. I know that some would get SO pissed off and triggered hearing me say that. I do not take Death lightly. On the contrary, I honor Death SO much (I’m a Medium….I honor Death and work with Death as my greatest friend & ally).

Death is beautiful. Death is a part of life. We must go through this part so we can move to the next. I don’t minimize people’s suffering. I don’t minimize those that are in DEEP grief of losing a loved one (or fear that it’s going to happen). I OF COURSE get that (and who knows? It could show up in my life with one of my loved ones… again, I’m knocking on wood right now). But you go through enough and you have enough communion with your Guides and you see enough truth and have your perspective widened and heightened enough and you see…you just see more. You see this life for what it really is. And you see Death for what it really is.

We’re moving into a time where Death won’t be necessary. Physical death that is. And therefore the way we work with Death will be more as an ally while we are alive. Life in every breath…death walking beside us to show us how to appreciate and truly and fully live that life. And teaching us how to shed, let go and then regenerate and rebirth into something else.

Death is the ultimate transmuter.

And I don’t want to miss this. I don’t want to miss this incredibly beautiful experience on this planet right now because I’m so paralyzed with a fear of Death. Death would rather walk beside me while I live this life. That’s Death’s preference. Death knows when to cut here and to prune there to create ultimate life. And when Death is working on a project as BIG as this one….it’s going to seem INTENSE (now that’s an understatement)

Again….we must look past the illusion. We must plug in & be willing to see with our other eyes in order to understand. And we must strive to understand with our mind (not our brain…there IS a difference. A HUGE difference)

And we must stay in the center of the wheel in order to do this (I’ve been pulling the Wheel of Fortune card SO much in all my readings!) Back to basics….breath work, meditation, putting our hands on our bodies and feeling the energy. Listening to our hearts beating and aligning that heartbeat with that of Mama Gaia.

Holy shit! I’m so grateful for this time! I’m SO grateful for all of this!

The other morning I asked my Guides and my Higher Self (and Guides of the collective) to show me how to ensure that my needs are met during this time. Physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

They said…..

“Dear One,

What a time! This is not just an exciting time for you…for those in human bodies…but also for US! We are beyond thrilled to witness this phase of the Planets’ ascension. You’re seeing it clearly. She IS shedding Her old self and rising up to the new… to the higher, better way of Being. This is NOT small work. She’s doing this while holding billions of beings on Her back. That is why She needs souls like you. People that hold space for Her. People that teach others how to hold space for Her. People that clear the way so that She can move forward and rise up.

Now the collapse is the part that you’re also navigating right now. You have been Mastering the supporting of Mother Earth (as She once again becomes Mother Tara). You’ve been mastering the assisting of ascension (within yourselves, in others and with Mother Earth). The collapse is what We mainly wish to speak about right now. The collapse creates rubble. Then you take that rubble and decide to allow it to drop away for good…or you decide to build something new out of it. This takes an incredible amount of discernment. Many MANY people will want to take that rubble and re-build the exact same structure and it’s up to you (and those like you) to teach them and remind them ‘No! We already had that structure built that way and it did not work’.

Now, this will be pretty easy because they won’t be able to re-build it the same way. The Earth’s energy will not support it. But they can create anger, dissent (and more chaos)… and waste a lot of time trying. And we are NOT fans of people wasting time. It’s one of the things that frustrates Us the most.

This will be an opportunity to show them a different way. You MUST step FULLY into your power. Own your power and your leadership. Speak unapologetically about what You know…the information you have received (and will continue to receive). This is just one of the many ways that you will do your work as a Wayshower.

Now, you ask about having your needs met at this time. We know that you mainly are asking about money. This is something that will still be used for many years. The whole financial system will not collapse all at once. It’s going to happen in layers. This is a BIG layer that’s happening right now. This layer will take at least the rest of the year. So, you’ll need to still use money as your main ‘currency’ during that time. But We will be showing you the ways of the new so that you can practice how to do that. It definitely is going towards a more gentle way. A way of sharing, a way of producing your own food. Humans are amazing producers. The world has turned that producing ability into churning out money. Acting like machines. But now (and over the course of the next many years) those skills are to be turned towards…production of food. Production of fertile soil. Production of things that help the Planet be clean, happy and healthy.

You are not a machine.

Mama Tara isn’t ascending and birthing Herself just to go back to the old dense ways of being. She will not tolerate pollution, capitalism, consumerism, mass consumption or violence. She just will NOT.

We know that you must have money for now to provide for your needs. You will have what you need. And also… be aware of where you’re going. You were called to this land that your home is now on to protect, feed, heal, nurture and LIVE OFF OF that land. Grow as much as you can grow. Learn as much as you can learn about growing and caring for plants. Research from books and on the internet and also watch what you see as far as how the plants do on your specific land. Talk to them. Ask them what they need & want. Consume them with love & gratitude. Start to move towards more plant based eating. Do not have a lot of stress about doing this. Just be aware that’s the direction you’re moving. You’ll get your protein (or what humans call the need for this) from the soil, air, sun & water.

The elements provide everything your body needs.

You will see this more as you continue to ascend with Mama Tara. She will change and you will change. This has been happening for some time now. It will continue to happen. Just be aware and really notice things like this. Notice when your body wants more of this and less of that. SLOW down and PAY ATTENTION more often. You are good at listening, but you still move too fast. Slow down.

Your needs will always be met. You will have an abundant and fertile, rich life always. This is something that is guaranteed to you. It’s not Us being generous. It’s just the way that it is. It’s your birthright. We’re here to share information, give more clarity and perspective…to help in any way We can. But we are not ‘God’ choosing to bless you or not. This is all your birthright. It’s all available to you. It’s just that we’re reminding you. You don’t need to ask us to bless you with money or physical things. You can have those things whenever you want. Whenever you decide. Keep your minds in alignment with the energy of Mama Tara and you will ALWAYS have what you need. And you will always feel peace and joy.

The pace of life is desperately needing to change. SLOW DOWN. Listen to the new rhythm that wants to be embodied. Feel it. Align your heartbeat to that rhythm. It’s the most important thing you can practice right now.

What an exciting time! All is well. All will be well. And We are rejoicing!“

It’s a vulnerable thing for me to share my channelings. But the message is the message and who am I to determine how or when it should be shared?

Much love to you all. Much love.

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