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Teach me Scorpio....about DESIRE

Everyone is rushing out to the world because things (some things) are re-opening. This feels premature to me. I mainly am seeing the energetics of it. Not necessarily down to the details. It’s like a blanket energy I’m seeing/feeling. It seems to me that May is not really the month to go out there and do all the things. We were just finally starting to really drop into the scrutiny. The good, helpful self-scrutiny. It’s still time to spend time/energy on decluttering the inner landscapes of the mind.

Scrutinize. Look at yourself and others carefully.

Not fearfully. Just carefully.

This Scorpio Moon is here to help us slip & slide through the cracks of psychic terrain. This is a time when we can be even more privy to the closeted and cupboarded secrets. Those that exist within us, within others and within the world. And remember, we cannot navigate those alleyways and crevices of the psyche without first reconciling with the parts of ourselves that reside in those “shadowy” spaces.

Pluto is still here sharing the medicine that teaches us to stop running from those parts of ourselves and to instead EMBRACE them. What behaviors/thoughts of yours do you have shame or judgement about? What is considered “too crass” or “taboo” or “bad”? Those are the places where you are not accessing HUGE magic. Reconciling with those parts of ourselves opens doorways into freedom (and a much bigger space where powerful magic can be accessed and utilized).

For many people this may look like facing what might be considered “taboo” behaviors. Many people have these judgements about themselves as it relates to sexual desires…or really just desires in general. We have mutated the energy of pure desire until it’s become “bad, sick & wrong”.

What would happen if we gave ourselves permission to desire? And when we finally experience a taste of what we desire, are we theretruly experiencing it? Or are we already busy with the fear of “what if this goes away? How do I get this to last?!!?”

Graspy graspy graspy.

That graspy energy is understandable! There are things that came from trauma & fear. And so, we brilliantly developed survival tactics that served us well. And through it, that graspy energy is our soul reaching out SCREAMING to be heard, but it can’t be heard in its true soft real voice because we’re all too busy and scared, so it screams and it comes out as GRASPY. Then we judge ourselves for being “graspy” instead of realizing “Oh, it’s my soul trying to tell me something”.

Scrutinize yourself. In those yummy helpful ways. Like an energetic researcher whose favorite topic is SELF. And watch for those moments of graspiness. Those are the moments where your soul is speaking to you. Showing you that something is desired.

Still time to sit with it! To sit with ourselves!

We were just getting to the good stuff. I was seeing people finally dropping down and IN and starting to align themselves with the rhythm of Mama. Of Goddess. Of truth.

Let’s drop back in. Man! It was just starting to get yummy!

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1 Comment

May 07, 2020

Gurrrrl! OMG, this is exactly whats been happening with me this morning. OOOOOF!

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