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Stepping out of the illusion...and into the light.

I’m seeing a lot of people in denial. People are still wondering “when will things get back to ‘normal’?” or “When will I feel ‘normal’ again?”

My Dear friends…there is NO “normal”. There never was. It was an illusion and that illusion has now been stripped away. We didn’t go through all that work to strip away the illusion just to have it put back into place again. But I still am hearing people wondering “When will I feel ‘normal’ again?”

I can not stress this enough…there is no “normal”. Even though everything that is happening around us mirrors that truth back to us, some are still in denial.

Look, I get it. These times are intense (now there’s an understatement) and there have never been times like these. It’s hard to know how to navigate in this world right now. But you can skip over a lot of the pain and frustration if you can find a way to surrender to the fact that what your life looked like prior to 2020 is not what it’s going to look like ever again. But isn’t there so much joy in that too?!!?

I don’t know about you, but my whole life (I’m 40) I have felt so much pain about the way society operated. I would wake up to a machine making a noise (which was jolting to my nervous system every single time) and then get ready and get my kid to school (where he wined because he doesn’t understand why he had to go put his body in this grey concrete building and do arbitrary tasks) and then rush off to work where I would also put myself in a building doing arbitrary tasks (to make some white rich man more rich) and then I’d drive in this machine that I learned to operate during rush hour traffic, slowly moving forward like mechanical turtles…wondering why I pay so much for this vehicle and put so much time into learning how to drive it when I could walk faster than this…just to pick the kid up again, do his homework (to which he would always ask “Why are we doing this?”) and get ourselves some food and rest as best we could before starting to do it again. Then we’d get a glimpse of peace or fun or joy by going to a BBQ over the weekend or enjoying a movie with friends. It would bring some light into my heart. But before that light had a moment to have expression, Monday would come and it’s time to do this arbitrary robotic dance all over again.

Why would I want to go back to that? Because I would have “surety” of money? There are MANY ways to have my needs met (literally hundreds) and money is only one of them.

Some people want to go back to that because they will at least know what’s coming. They’ve learned to navigate those realms (even though they were miserable within that construct) and they don’t have faith that they’ll be able to survive moving forward. But don’t forget…you are a magical being. You are SO much more than what you see when you look in the mirror. You have lived countless lives…spending each life learning so much…to the point where you are capable of being a Master in this life. If you chose to step into your power. If you chose to dare to believe that it really is so.

Your Guides are waiting on you…They are waiting for you to write the script so that they can spring into action making your writings come true. It sounds too good to be true to some. But nope…it’s not. It’s exactly how things were set up before you came to this planet. Before you came to this planet, you sat with your Guides (I call them “My Team”) and made a plan for this life. Y’all made sure that you would have everything you needed for this life. Every tiny or big thing you would need was planted here so that you could access it whenever needed. You don’t have to beg for anything. You don’t even have to manifest anything. Just be in alignment with yourself and your path & it will flow in.

Remove any blockages from those portals that deliver your needs to you. The blockages are always made up of beliefs. Identify those beliefs and then clear them. And then whatever you need can (and will) flow to you as needed. These beliefs often can sounds something like “I have to suffer enough to prove I’ve earned it” or “I have to prove I’m worthy of it” or things like that. Sometimes it’s general beliefs…like just clearing out programming of how capitalism and society told you it “must” be and listening to your own intuition instead.

When you look at it all and it gets just too overwhelming, remember this….you are a Master.

That’s who your soul is….at a soul level. It’s possible to bring that powerful soul into this body on this planet at this time. If that can happen (which it CAN), what would be possible? Just imagine! Stay in the center of your own wheel (that would be your heartspace and your sacral) and listen from THAT place. Act from THAT place. It takes faith in the beginning. But the good news is…pretty soon you’ll start to see so much positive change that it will prove to you that it works and you won’t have to just act on purely faith anymore. You’ll have proven real lived experiences that have taught you that it’s not only possible…it works BETTER and FASTER and is a hell of a lot more FUN!

If you’ve been teetering on the edge…that spot between the old and the new, it’s time to take the first step into your new now. Into mastery. Into freedom. Into liberation on all fronts! Into JOY. I know it seems scary. You feel like you’re stepping into the unknown. But the truth is, you’ve been living in the unknown your whole life! You’ll actually be stepping into the most natural way of being. You’ll find that you do know how to navigate these realms. Because these realms aren’t arbitrary. They aren’t capitalist constructs. The world is tearing down (which, I know…it looks like chaos) so that we can finally see the peace and beauty that has always existed beneath. Don’t feel sadness that systems/structures are collapsing! There are piles of treasures under these structures! These structures are what has brought us pain and separation. We bought into the lies they told us that these systems/structures were needed. Those were lies. And now we are waking up.

Now is a time to be AWAKE.

No one will survive these times without consciously choosing to wake up. Do your work that you came to this planet to do. Stay in alignment with who you truly are and what you are here to do. And then you not only will survive. You will THRIVE. The joy that my Guides are showing me is possible makes my body shake and my heart scream out in bliss!

I don’t know about you, but….I don’t want to miss this.

I don’t want to miss this.

And I don’t want you to miss it either.

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