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Saturn Retrograde...dismantling time!

Dismantling the old damaging systems/structures has been the name of the game for a while here. And now we’re DEEP in it. The thing that keeps coming up for me again and again is….the way to dismantle them is to look at where they exist inside of ourselves. Where do I still hold onto old illusions? Where do I still hold onto old beliefs that no longer serve me? Where do I still hold onto colonial programmings? Where are there still veils blocking my vision from seeing the truth?

This isn’t something to be ashamed of. There’s no time for that. What is helpful/powerful is to just look at & review what IS! I’ve been noticing SO many people causing chaos and pain to a ridiculous degree in their lives because they are running from taking a look at themselves. They are running from their accountability. They are running from doing a review of what needs to change as it relates to their belief systems (and therefore by default…their behavior and their patterns in life).

I get it…trust me….I GET IT! How do you think I recognize these things? I have to endlessly review these things within my life and within myself as well. But I strongly urge everyone to take the blinders off. Yes, it can be hard. Mostly it uncomfortable because it’s out of our comfort zone (which if you’re being honest with yourself, isn’t all that comfortable) but I promise it is harder to live your life with blinders on. It’s harder to exist in a constant state of chaos and pain because you don’t want to do the work of changing. The work of changing is actually easier than existing within the same ol’ pain and chaos.

(Please note: I didn’t say “easy”….I said “easier”. Ha!)

I struggle with posts like this because I don’t want it to seem like I’m being a “know it all” or I get a case of “Who in the hell do I think I am?” But ultimately I DO want to keep it real and reach through the phone/computer and lovingly shake some people and scream “Wake up!” The illusion is no longer working. It never really did. But it SUPER DUPER is NOT working at all now. It in fact is causing so much chaos, destruction and pain. I promise it’s worth it to start taking steps to tear down the illusions one by one….to dismantle old belief systems and ways of being that are no longer serving you. I love you enough to tell you that. I love myself enough to consistently tell MYSELF that. None of this is stuff that I don’t have to do as well (I in fact have to do it first and foremost before I can even recognize it in the collective).

“New Earth” (Nu Earth) isn’t a different destination. It’s in US. It gets ushered in by US changing ourselves and then we walk on the planet differently and we help Her heal & ascend. If you feel called to book a session with me, I’ve opened up my books to take a few more slots each week than I normally do. These times are INTENSE (to say the least) and I’m here to support and serve the best I can. Sending much love to you all. Mwah!

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