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Now enters The Dark Goddess!

On Jan 27th Lilith enters Aries. This is not a small deal! It's interesting that recently this planet called Eris just came onto my radar. And now that I’m looking into it, I’m thinking “How did I not know this?!!?”

Eris’ energy is all about the Feminine Warrior. Eris’ energy is embodying the “dark” and the feared feminine to rise up to reclaim her place in a world long fractured by patriarchal power.

And now at this time…with Lilith entering Aries….this is a POTENT (what an understatement!) time for the Divine Feminine to stand up and come to the front. Take up that space! Say those words! Blow the whistle on that thing! Don’t take the shit! Embody your deepest expression of feminine wildness!

Imagine Queen of Swords in the tarot. Queen of fucking swords, people! THAT’S the energy that’s needed right now. And we’re all ready to embody it in very real and powerful ways!

One of my favorite people that I follow did a video about this not too long ago…the return of the “Dark” Goddesses. Think Medusa. Think Hecate! Think Kali. And remember…they are all highly sensual/sexual Beings. This is not the scary or stoic dark figures that are unrelatable. This energy is extremely relatable. It’s the wild woman, it’s the unapologetic woman taking up sacred space. Think of Lizzo meets Rihanna meets Beyoncé meets Greta Thunberg meets….the Witch in the forest! (and maybe a little "Kill Bill" for added effect).

p.s. This is not just for those that identify as "women". This energy is calling to EVERYBODY!

Slither into this energy. Let it wash over you. Then hold that energy while you move some shit around on this planet! Start in your own spaces and with the people and situations around you. Swim in the yumminess of not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks of you. Bath in the sensuality of holding your own power. Queen of fucking swords people!

Yumma Yum Yum!

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