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New Moon Magic

New Moons are powerful times to dive deep into the cracks and crevices of the psyche. And don’t worry! This can even be fun! I’m not going to lie to you…it’s not ALWAYS fun. But it doesn’t always have to be hard awful stuff. We can also be delighted in what we find when we go spelunking. Find a way to be open to whatever you find. To not go into the New Moons with your guard up, ready to fight the demons. Instead be willing to sit in and with whatever you find.

A New Moon opens up a cycle for the next 6 months.

For example, if the New Moon is in the sign of Pisces, whatever seeds/intentions/wishes you plant during that New Moon will have come to fruition by the following Full Moon in that same sign (6 months later). It’s always helpful during Full Moons to go back and look at what you were journaling about and/or going through six months ago during the New Moon in that same sign.

It’s BEYOND powerful to set intentions and make wishes during New Moons!

When the Moon is dark, we are being invited into reflection. The Moon is going within and we are receiving the invitation to do the same. The sky is more dark, this helps the stars to shine brighter. This is also a great time to daydream. To dream BIG. Look up at the stars and allow them to expand your perception….to stretch you so that you dare to dream BIGGER.

New Moons are also very potent times for spell work & ceremony. The energy assists in going into deeper trance and being in stronger relationship to Spirits/Entities that you wish to work with (or Who wish to work with you). I find that people often talk about the Full Moons. I’m glad! They are powerful wonderful times. But my favorite time to hold ceremony is during the New Moons, as the veil is very thin. This is a time when the veil is VERY thin!

When the Moon is dark, we are being shown how to be this way. How to turn inward and witness those parts of ourselves. And EMBRACE those parts of ourselves. How to BE with ourselves. How many people can’t seem to just BE with themselves? We must be able to do this on a regular basis and eventually you will not just be OK with it. You will CRAVE it. And then this energy will move from just once a month on the New Moons to every facet of your lives. We can embrace the energy of a New Moon any day of the month. We can invite that energy to be with us at any time.

Start noticing when the New Moon is. Start noticing what sign it’s in. Sit with the energy and see what it teaches you. Then as you get some time under your belt with this practice, you’ll start to notice patterns, you’ll start to merge your energy with this energy….weaving a wonderful web of someone that is whole unto themselves…who knows how to sit in stillness….who knows how to go WITHIN. This is a powerful person! Imagine what a POWERFUL person that would be! We go within to witness ourselves and then to gently pull our soul out a bit more….more towards the surface so that we can exist in FULLNESS here in this realm.

And isn’t that the goal?

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