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Mutated energies....and a little demon talk (just for fun)

What is mutated energy? Mutated energy is energy that isn’t in alignment with the truth of who you really are and/or the truth of what you came to this planet to do. It’s also energy that has been fed with unhealthy and untrue beliefs. And it’s definitely an energy that has been fed with fear.

When mutated energy gets fed, it does just that….mutates.

And as it continues to be fed, it grows in its mutation and strength.

So, love can mutate into hate. Peace can mutate into chaos. Joy can mutate into misery.

A good example of mutated energy right now is…..this beast that we call “capitalism”. It began as the energy of… having our needs met and has mutated into a beast that requires A LOT of programming, fear & beliefs in order to be fed.

Another common one is….love mutating into wonky damaging sexual energy. I know in many of my past lives, men experienced the feelings of wholeness and healing through my touch (including sex and sexual touch) and then the fear & programmings were mixed in (and nurtured/fed by the men) and it eventually turned into mutated energy that became so strong it turned into demonic energy (or a “demon”) and the men gave their power/will over to that demonic energy and then began to want to own me, to enslave me, to do all sorts of fucked up things to me…to try to keep me…to try to OWN me.

I'm sharing this because often things like this are easier to understand via examples & real life experiences.

Are you starting to see what I mean when I say “Mutated energy”? Ok good. Lets move on from this step then.

Next step? Mutated energy turns into a demon.

What are “demons”?

They are energies/entities that have never had a physical human body. Eckart Tolle talks about “fear bodies”. This is another way to describe a demon.

We’ve allowed that term…”demon” to scare the living daylights out of us. But the funny thing is, most of them exist because we nurtured the energy that fed them. We nurtured them, fed them & provided ample space for them in order for them to grow into the energy they are now. We were not only NOT scared of them being in our space (at least this is the case often)…we were scared to release them, to let them go. We were scared that they WOULD leave (this is when they are on the level of mutated energy and haven’t turned into a full-blown demon yet).

What’s the best way to banish a demon?

Heal the energy that allowed it to be created in the first place.

Heal the energy that allowed it to be continuously fed by us.

Time to take a deeper look at our beliefs. That the first place to look. That’s where we identify if mutated energy exists….within our belief systems.

It’s time to start understanding mutated energy and demons. As we’ll all need to banish some. This is the human experience after all. (And this is the work that I do…so I talk about stuff like this even if it seems like the most bizarre topic ever! Ha!)

I’ll leave you with this thought….this is nothing to be afraid of. As soon as you start looking at it and identifying what does not serve, life immediately starts to get lighter and more of your true energy is restored back to you. Sure, it doesn’t happen overnight & sure, it's not always easy...but as soon as you start the work, you do release some of your energy that has been claimed by mutated energy and it comes back to you (healed) & that helps! Each step you take to work on it releases more and more of your energy…that energy is returned to you…piece by piece. As that happens, your capacity to be able to do more is increased. That’s what creates TRUE freedom!

Which is what we all really want, isn’t it? 😊

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