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Mouse Magic and The Devil Card

On this the Full Moon in Virgo, here are some journal prompts to get things flowing. And this is no small time. To journal and/or meditate on these questions will be very helpful at this time as the energy of this full moon is much about…decluttering. Most people take that to mean cleaning and organizing your home (and yes, that is very important). But I want to talk more right now about decluttering the inner landscapes of the mind.

Last night I dreamed of swarms of mice. They were all different colors and they were doing big work! I love the medicine of the mouse. The mouse scrutinizes. This a huge part of it’s magic. It teaches us to try to see a larger picture than the one staring us in the face. Developing largesse of spirit. It reminds us to become very aware of the larger dance of life. Jump high, little friend. You will glimpse the sacred mountain.

Scrutinize. Look at yourself and others carefully. Not fearfully. Just carefully.

The mouse magic is so incredibly sneaky, creative & mischievous. Elusive by nature, surreptitious, they appear and disappear like diminutive magicians. They slip through the cracks of physical & psychic terrain, privy to the closeted and cupboarded secrets. This is the magic of personifying the labyrinthine restlessness beneath the surface of things. This is the magic of existing (like the mouse) at the margins.

Mice furtively rummage the mountainous dumps of our collective rejectimenta. You have to admire their tenacity, their eerie ability to beat the odds. These are secretive creatures that are mostly active in the dark. Hear any parallels to the witch? (I hope so… because they are EVERYWHERE here).

I pulled much of this from Taschen’s Book of Symbols and in reading there, I was blown away by mouse magic. How it relates to this Virgo energy and how it parallels the archetype of the witch! I mean….woah!

But as I saw one word in particular, I was ZINGED like crazy.

The word surreptitious.

Definition of surreptitious:

Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

That is SUCH witchy energy. That is the energy/magic/medicine of the Devil card in the tarot. The one that not only exists in the space of the in-between, but also in shadow at the same time. And also in the cracks and alleyways of the psyche….and of the mind.

We cannot navigate those alleyways and crevices of the psyche without first reconciling with the parts of ourselves that reside in those “shadowy” spaces. This is the energy of the Devil card in the tarot. The Devil cards brings the medicine that teaches us to stop running from those parts of ourselves and to instead EMBRACE them. What behaviors/thoughts of yours do you have shame or judgement about? What is considered “too crass” or “taboo” or “bad”? Those are the places where you are not accessing HUGE magic. Reconciling with those parts of ourselves opens doorways into freedom (and a much bigger space where powerful magic can be accessed and utilized).

For many people this looks like: Addictions or what might be considered “taboo” behaviors. Many people have these judgements about themselves as it relates to sexual desires…or really just desires in general. We desire food….therefore we label ourselves “overeaters”. We treat ourselves as bad, sick & wrong for loving food and desiring to receive it because anything other than what society teaches us is “BAD!” (that would include a lot of things as societies stamp of approval is mostly on abstaining).

That’s just one example. We go there (“there” being shame and judgement) surrounding sexual desires, “taboo” language of all kinds…and just in general – things that we desire that we’re not giving ourselves permission to desire.

I was surprised to find that Mouse magic is very close to Devil magic (When I say “Devil magic”… I mean the magic of the meaning of that card as it relates to the tarot….mostly…tee hee).

Anyway…whew! Mouse magic. Unlike the mouse, it’s not a small thing!

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1 comentario

Haley Smith
Haley Smith
11 mar 2020

😍😍😍✨✨✨ amazing as always ✨

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