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Message from your demon in the closet....

My favorite thing about tarot's like medicine. Like tonic that carries us from one moment to the next....from one threshold to the next. It's not fortune telling. It's's helpful information to bring the blessing of clarity. 

This morning tarot said to me "Whenever you feel that you must defend your position or your place on the hill (or whatever it may be), the tonic to get you out of that is to jump head first into creativity. When your brain/ego says 'Defend! Defend! Defend!' Instead dive into 'Create! Create! Create!' Get lost in your creations. Trust this energy and you will find that it carries you through the portal into the energy of the New Year".

2020 is Emperor energy. Be in front. Take up that space. The Emperor takes up space in an unapologetic and sacred way.

Sounds great, right?

But we often forget that in order to be ready to do that, we have to have worked through all the reasons that we may want to hide. To be IN FRONT means ALL of us is in front. We can no longer say "I'll be in front. I'll learn and grow & progress" while standing in front of a closet full of the things that we refuse to have touched or changed...the things we refuse to let go of. 

Whatever we're guarding and saying "You can touch anything but this"...that will be shown to us. We can not go into this next phase with it in the closet. I WILL be shown. We can NOT go into the next phase with that thing (those things) still in the closet. 

The good news? It's LIBERATING AF when it comes out! 

Be brave Dear Souls. Be BRAVE!! 

And...we're stronger together. Reach out and show love and RECEIVE love. 

Let's do this THANG! 

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