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Journal Prompts For The New Moon In Pisces

This New Moon is in Pisces. A wonderful time to embrace the beauty of emotions, sensitivity & our intuitions. This day is particularly powerful because there are also 4 other signs in Pisces. A POTENT time to DREAM BIG!

Pisces rules the feet. So when journaling about how you wish to WALK among the world, it can be powerful to ponder on how your feet will literally touch the planet and be the connector between you and Mama. What energy do you want to hold in your feet while they touch this planet and keep you planted here?

Swim in these emotions and be open to what you will be shown.

Journal Prompts

  • What was I experiencing at this time one year ago? How have I changed since then?

  • In what type of situations do I find myself holding back things that I wish I could say?

  • How can I embrace (& even celebrate) my emotions and make peace with the way they come up?

  • What is one thing my Mom taught me that I’m grateful for?

  • How do I want to walk among this world differently?

Happy New Moon!

Much Love.

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