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Is it the end of times?! Or just Pluto?

Updated: Jan 29, 2020

Well, I intended to write about the Saturn conjunct Pluto event on the day of (the 12th), but I was goin’ THROUGH it that day and needed to take care of myself in a radical and honed way. That certainly makes a lot of sense seeing as how it’s of course one of the biggest events of the year…of the past several years. Well…we’re talking decades here!) And there are also numerous planets that are joining Saturn and Pluto in this conjunction. No biggie…just LARGE global scale movements happen during these times. And this one is no exception.

Prince Harry & Meghan leaving the royal family, Trump’s impeachment, huge businesses filing for bankruptcy, Trump ordering the assassination of Iran’s Qasem Soleimani, numerous people being put in legal/work situations that seem to make no sense….these things are just a few. A new cycle has opened. And the “new” is going to likely feel SO different from anything we’ve done before! (well, it DEFINITELY will)

Again! What do we need to face? What do we need to be liberated from? What do we need to say “I’m DONE with this?” Do it! Finally just gather your courage and DO IT! Because Pluto is going to dig it up and pluck it out no matter what. Remember The Eagles lyrics in “Hotel California”? “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave”? This has always come to me saying “Sure, you can dissociate, but it’s still going to happen!” But now we can’t even that! We can NOT check out. We can NOT dissociate. We can TRY. But then we’ll just get dragged.

I cannot stress this enough….we can NOT run from it. No matter how good you think you are at that, no matter how long you’ve “gotten away” with that, you just can NOT get away with it anymore. You can NOT run from it anymore. You can NOT hide it; you cannot hide from it anymore. We just CAN’T.

So, let’s put on our big girl/boy panties and step up and deal with it. I don’t say this to scare anyone. It’s just that words are limiting and so we all do the best we can with them, right? The truth is…it’s the KIND thing to do to make it as clear as humanly possible that we can not run from this anymore. Good….now we know. Now we’re not blindsided (which really is the worst part…as it relates to recovery time, right?) It’s time to REALLY make these changes.

And there’s so much good news here! You’re not alone. The collective is going through it too! This isn’t easy. This isn’t small. I know that this is a lot of hard stuff to face. But we’re not alone. You have support. Each and every one of us has stuff that we guard with a steel sword. So all of us are having to gather our courage to do this each and every day.

This is the energy of truly closing & ending cycles. The energy (Saturn conjunct Pluto) right now is potent for this. The energy is HELPING us to truly end cycles for good. So it’ll be less of “What? This AGAIN?” and more of… finalizing things that have been on-going lessons for a long time. And even if it does go through a “What? This AGAIN?!” time, it will significantly lessen each time and show progress.

We’ll be spiraling out less.

Now, this is if we truly go for it. It’s coming up no matter what. It’s happening no matter what. Time to deepen our ability to surrender to what IS. And then take that “what is” and TRANSMUTE the energy. So many wayshowers are having to exist within these really DENSE situations/spaces. It’s so hard! We want to figure out how to get out of it. How to be rid of it. The answer is often NOT in running away from it or cutting it out of our lives, but rather in TRANSMUTING the energy. That’s why we’re here. That’s what we’re doing right now.

Now, of course this takes discernment. Because sometimes we are meant to get the fuck outta there! Sometimes we ARE meant to cut that person out of our lives or quit that job. But for MANY of us, we’re finding ourselves in situations where leaving the situation or “being done with it” is not an option. It’s frustrating as all HELL. But those situations are ones that we are in because WE are the wayshowers. We are the lightworkers. WE are the ones meant to transmute those energies, tear those old broken structures down and send those old dense ways of being packing.

(Hit the road Jack! And don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out!)

And lest we try to forget (because I know I certainly often try to), here’s one more reminder that… these “systems & structures” that are collapsing also exist within us. In order to exist on this planet, the DNA grids within our physical bodies needed to be made up of matter that would allow us to exist in those more dense 3D energies/vibrations. As now that it’s changing (DRAMATICALLY) to more 5D energy, that means that the old 3D structures/grids within us have had to be removed (aka: torn down) in order to make way for the grid that will support higher vibrational energy. We’ve done most of this. If there’s anything remaining, it’s just the very last of it…the scraps that are left that need to go. You will likely relate to it when you hear others talking about all these “ascension symptoms” and that’s what this is about! When the old 3D structures/grids were getting removed/torn down, it felt like….headaches, confusion, dizziness, stomach stuff of ALL KINDS, diarrhea, nausea (and so much more).

(I’m going to insert a little personal note here- I don’t know if you relate but using the word “headaches” just doesn’t cut it. They were/are head PAINS unlike anything else I’ve EVER experienced before. It’s like a jackhammer….like an intense laser! Gaaaahhh!! But I’ll just leave that here for now)

And as the new grids come in, it’s all those symptoms (but likely diminished a bit) and then add in a pinch of fogginess here and a smidge of forgetfulness there….and a dollop of not being aware of time (or time jumps)… lets never forget the ringing in the ears (downloads/tune-ups) and the glitches in the matrix.

Whew! That is a recipe for what looks like chaos…but, is actually – UPGRADING and UPLEVELING to an AMAZING degree!

We are doing it! We really are! This hasn’t just “begun”. We’re WELL into it and we’re all doing amazing. Don’t fall into despair. You’re not crazy. You’re not alone. We’re ALL going through it. Show love to each other, have the strongest physical/energetic boundaries of your life! Embrace RADICAL self-care (ALWAYS! Perfect this!) And spend as much time as possible around those people and situations that build you up and help you feel rejuvenated.

The Wayshowers know how to wield their swords responsibly. Time to pick up the sword and fucking fight.

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