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Hedonistic Magic (Healthy Hedonism) - The Joy of Expansion

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

First of all, use discernment with who you talk to about this type of magic. And when and where you talk about it. It’s one of the more misunderstood (and vilified) topics and people will be triggered by you and twist your words and misrepresent you. Also, they will not honor the magic. And that is a misuse of this magic…to “cast your pearls before swine” (so to speak) and discuss this sacred subject with those that would be dishonoring of it…or even misunderstand it.

(Also, I talk about this subject very differently than many other Witches. So if you say “Hedonistic Magic”, it’s open to many different interpretations...depending on who is around)




christianity/patriarchy says that being “Hedonistic” is a bad thing. It’s a “SIN” even. Think of how much you have heard about this in your life.

Here are just some quotes that come to me off the top of my head from my indoctrination:

It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, and the foolish to be a slave to them.

“Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man” (I think that one is from Psalms?)

“Worldly pleasures are not worth the price we will have to pay to enjoy them

They vilify the pursuit of pleasure. Why?

Because if one is in contact with their pleasure (things that please them) then they open up. They expand. There’s a great opening and expansion. And obviously that is a danger to their system. It is hard (if not impossible) to remain indoctrinated and under programing and illusions when you’re that expansive of a person…if you’re one that regularly is in relationship with the energy of expansiveness (think Jupiter magic here). Because you are free. You are in relationship with the energy of freedom and liberation.

And it's impossible to control one that is free.

So of course, yes…Hedonism is referred to as something that is “bad”. The colonial patriarchal programmings that inform all areas of this 3D realm say that it’s “bad” because they feel it’s about self-indulgence (that may be one small part of what is experienced when participating in magical hedonism…but it’s been blown up to be all that’s talked about. When did “Self-Indulgence” become a bad thing anyway?!)

If Indulgence means to yield to my desires?....count me in!

Also, although self-indulgence is part of it (and a wonderful healthy expansive practice!)…at its core, Hedonistic Magic is about the pursuit of pleasure. And the exploration of all of one’s senses.

Everything happens through the body. All magical practices/gifts/powers happen through the body. The Clair’s are able to be accessed through the senses of the body * (as one example). The entrance into your astral travel body (Merkaba) is located in the body. EVERYTHING happens in the body. It’s THE tool that we gave ourselves for this life. And so to play with, feed and expand the senses is an essential part of unlocking one’s magic.

(Note: for Earth signs specifically, Hedonistic Magic is potent…especially Taurus’!

Well...and damn, we can't forget about Scorpios when talking about Pleasure! Tee Hee)

What puts you in touch with your pleasure?

Some examples for me:

· Candle gazing while listening to soft witchy music. The soft glow. The way the flame dances

· Filling my lungs with cold fresh air. Feeling the expansion of my lungs and the air giving me life

· A very green forest with the sound of running water and a cool breeze

· Somone playing with my hair or brushing it. Foot/hand massages

· The smells of Autumn

· Cooking w/no interruption from others while sipping wine and listening to music and dancing around my kitchen. Being in relationship with the food/ingredients and the energy of what we’re creating together.

· Sleeping under a warm blanket in a cold room

· Listening to poetry

· Brown sugar

· Dancing in front of my altar (free movement/expression time)

Other examples:

· Nourishing food (and there’s more than 1 way to be nourished by food)

· Ecstatic dance. Movement time

· Time in nature

· Solo sexy time

· Sexy time with aligned partner(s)

· Deep aligned connection with friends (new and/or old)….anyone you choose to be in relationship with

· Consciously creating the life you want to live…deliberately and joyfully.

What puts you in touch with the energy of pleasure?

(This is a good journaling topic)

* Now…what stops you from leaning into expansive pleasure?

I have a strong belief that if we block ourselves off from one pleasure or a few pleasures….we actually block ourselves off from ALL pleasures….from the energy of pleasure itself. This is not to say that you have to become obsessively gluttonous or some kind of sex addict…this is me talking about not blocking yourself off or making rules about pleasure (according to 3D indoctrinations).

What stops you from leaning into expansive pleasure?

Something that people often say is “life just gets too busy”. But what stops you from prioritizing pleasure? Making time for it. If you’re not making time for it, there’s something to be looked at there.

An important part of this is having the willingness to honor the challenges that arise by listening to the emotions they invoke. It’s honoring the fact that your emotions are showing you which limiting beliefs are holding you back from fully experiencing and expressing the love that can be experienced (and that you ARE) in each moment. When you notice yourself resisting leaning into expansive pleasure…what thoughts are coming up? What fears might it invoke in you? That’s how to identify the beliefs that need to be dismantled.

(Yet again, here we are talking about dismantling beliefs...a never-ending VITAL part of the work)

This is a process. It’s not learned in one day. It’s also not learned by just thinking about it or studying on the topic enough. It’s an embodied practice. Everything happens in the body. The entrance in and through all portals exists IN THE BODY. So the practice needs to happen in the body.

Embodied . Expansive . Pleasure .

-Part of this magic is of course going to be related to Sex, Sexual acts, Sexual exploration, etc (as this is obviously one of the most joyful ways to experience Pleasure). This is a subject that fascinates many. But it’s very misunderstood and/or the way that people go about it is through an extremely diluted path. My recommendation is to start with yourself. Solo Time. Play with fantasies (and make sure you are in your fantasies!)

Why would I want to participate in Hedonistic Magic?

What in your life would improve if you practiced Hedonistic Magic?

Hedonistic Magic does the following:

· Connects you to your body

· Connects you to this Planet

· Roots you in this Realm

· Opens doorways and portals

· Uplevels your connection to your Clairs (your literal superpowers *)

· Encourages and strengthens DEEP self-love

· You get to know yourself. Truly know yourself. Think of all the ways that truly knowing yourself uplevels your power and magic!

· For the sake of Pleasure and Pleasure alone! (this is enough of a reason!)

· For the sake of Joy and Joy alone!

· Expands your energy…expands your magic. And sets you FREE! (this one in particular is arguably the main point…in my opinion)

Practicing Hedonistic Magic creates EXPANSION.

Journaling Topics:

-What is possible in my life if I was able to expand my energy? What is possible if I can expand my magic? (be broad and then also get really specific)

-What are some areas of my life that I think could benefit from healthy hedonism?

-How do other people in my life show examples of healthy hedonism? (kids in particular are amazing teachers of this!)

-Where do I stop myself from enjoyment? Where do I hesitate to truly expand into pleasure?

-What are some of my beliefs about pleasure? (list both “good” and “bad” ones)

-What can I commit to now as it relates to experiencing pleasure and practicing healthy hedonism? What am I going to start doing now?


Pleasure is the physical manifestation of my Joy.

I do not have to earn pleasure. Pleasure is my birthright.

Pleasure unlocks my Magic.

Pleasure expands my Magic.

I feel aligned & good when I allow myself to lean into my Pleasure.

It’s ok to feel good.

This body is meant to feel good.

I prioritize my Pleasure.

Well....go and have some fun, my loves.

Feel JOY.

Experience expansion!

* Note:

So much about the Clairs (and them being accessed through the physical senses of the Body) I learned from one of my greatest Teachers, Natoya Hall


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