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Full Moon in Libra. Letting go in order to embrace.

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

This is a defining time! (Uh, you can say that again!) Our perspectives are being forced to be widened and heightened. Stretching ourselves to be bigger, more capable containers for this high frequency energy. We are collectively going through this. There is no more separation. There never has been, but now the illusion that we’ve been able to grasp to that we are separate is no more.

We must do our shadow work! Each as individuals and then also collectively. It’s time to let go…let go of what the world used to look like. Let go of our old selves that existed solely in that view of the world. It’s time to step forward…one step at a time…with eyes open…facing our work with each step. There is no such thing as dissociating anymore. We can not close our eyes and wait it out until it’s done happening to us and then decide to open our eyes and assess the damage and take it from there. WE are the ones walking this thing across the finish line.

Right now is a time to emotionally MATURE. Remember there is a difference between emotional intelligence and emotional maturity. Many have emotional intelligence, but really need to step up their game with the emotional maturity part (this was a HUGE part of my upleveling in 2019!) In other words, time to put on your big girl/boy panties!

And we CAN do that…we can do that effectively and with more ease than imagined….if we embrace the truth that we are NOT VICTIMS HERE! WE are the creators! WE are the creators of our own reality!



Individually & collectively.

What the planets (specifically Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter) are helping us with right now is… EXPOSING WHAT NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED. Then knowing what to do with it from there. And how to approach it. Remember that although abuse/misuse of power, corruption & inequality are being exposed here…so also is our power to change those things! Our ability to tap into deeper energy and transform situations is being shown to us. If only we dare to believe that what we are seeing is actually true! In Chani Nicholas’ most recent writing she said “Nothing superficial stands the tests of these times. Each one of us is now asked to go below the façade of our roles and props”. That zinged the living shit out of me! We cannot do what we came here to do when we’re holding onto the old self that only could exist in a dense 3D reality. We must dig to the CORE of who we truly are and operate from THAT space in order to be able to walk through these thresholds and do our WORK. Our true work.

The masks we used to wear for survival aren’t needed anymore. They will in fact lead to the opposite of that now if we try to still wear them. The props that helped us so much in the past will now seem useless. We can avoid A LOT of pain by consciously choosing to now swap those props for the new tools. And consciously chose to take off any/all masks and show our dewy fresh face as it truly is.

To be clear…the masks will fall no matter what. The props will be taken away…no matter what. If we consciously chose to put them down/take them off, we will avoid a lot of pain, waste less time & we will get to enjoy more of the JOY and FUN of the situation while these transformations are happening.

This time is also forcing us to not only talk about…but fully face… the energy of Death.

Death is the ultimate transmuter. Death teaches us how to live life! Sit with the energy of Death for a moment. When you sit with the energy of Death with the fear removed (or at least lessened), you will begin to see that us humans have mutated Deaths’ truly sacred energy. We have demonized the energy of Death. We are running from the Sacred.

How does running from Death make us feel like we’re winning? How does refusing to sit with It, snooker ourselves into thinking that we’re safer? WE ARE NOT VICTIMS HERE! And that includes this subject of Death. We are not victims of Death. Death is a Spirit. An ENERGY. Why are we so scared to look at this energy…to learn from this Spirit?

Are we beginning to see now? To really see….that there is NOTHING we can run from or avoid now. Nothing we can dissociate from. Nothing we can avoid. Nothing we can run from. And in trying to run, we’re missing out on the sacred teachings we could be receiving.

All things must now be faced with the energy of being in relationship to it. To whatever “it” is at the time…it must be approached with our fullness…down to the root…down to the very core of who we are. THAT is the type of energy that is going to be required of us. And the good news is…IT IS HELL-A FUN! It’s downright JOYOUS!

We have everything that we need within us to not only “get through” this, but to transmute it all as powerful creators. We will continuously be upleving ourselves and this planet (as She uplevels Herself and Us….it’s a RELATIONSHIP) It’s an AMAZING time to be alive. And I don’t want to miss it! I don’t want to miss how it will change me. I don’t want to miss how it will change others. I don’t want to miss how it will change this Planet & the lives of future generations that will live upon Her. This is an AMAZING time! Let’s not miss it!

Love Love Love to you all.

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1 comentário

07 de abr. de 2020

When you spend enough nights with death, you realize how truly beautiful it is. It isn't an end, but an embrace of the beginning. Thanks for sharing this, it is is truly beautiful.

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