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Finding Pleasure in the Spiralic

“Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future….”

-M.M. Meleen

Welcome to the Realms of the EMBODIED spiralic!

As we find ourselves in the middle of October (aka: Witchy Season), the veil continues to become more thin. Then you mix this with the expansion that’s happening at an extremely rapid pace and that results in = EXTREMELY expansive!

Extreme Expansiveness!

Many things all being experienced, conveyed, downloaded, discovered and FELT…all in one moment.

And this Eclipse Season is activating it all….so that we are now capable of EMBODYING our Highest Full Whole Sovereign Powerful SELVES on this Planet in this Timeline…NOW.

No biggie.

Time is slipping. It’s often wobbly. Sometimes it feels (and IS) non-existent. But for me I’ve noticed mostly that it’s been slippery…”slipping”. It’ll slip into the [perceived] ‘future’ in a split second! It’ll slip into a portal of receptivity. It’ll slip slip slip into another dimension…a whole different frequency in one moment flat. This is SO hard to describe (downright impossible) but those of you who know….Know.

For me, the medicine has been a delightfully fun and drippingly gorgeous recipe of …





Every time my brain (front lobe) tries to ‘figure out’ what is happening, I remind myself to sink into the energies of Rest, Pleasure, Joy & Peace. And that puts me into the necessary current where I am aligned with all that I need to be aware of.

Not to mention - - it’s FUN! It FEELS GOOD!

And hot damn, we deserve to feel good!


It’s ok to experience pleasure. My Body is designed to feel pleasure.

Joy, Peace, Pleasure & Rest is my birthright.

The Spiral will do what the Spiral needs to do. It’ll dance and weave…and when it’s needed, it’ll collapse – providing those beautiful fun lucid moments. It happens as divine timing wants it to happen. We can help divine timing along (by not delaying it with our limiting belief systems or embracing of illusions)…but when we try to force divine timing to be somewhere it’s not ready to be…we inevitably experience pain, confusion, stuckness and frustration.


I release control.

I surrender to Source’s natural flow.

I align myself with Nature’s Current.

For Us Witches, Wayshowers, Pathfinders, Root Workers (etc), this is not a time to “figure it out”. It’s a time to sink into Peace, Rest, Joy & Pleasure. And then we’re naturally in the aligned state we need to be in to recognize that “tap” on the shoulder we get when it’s time to take an action.

It’s a fun recipe…. Have fun. Experience Pleasure. Rest. Feel Peace….then take joyful aligned action as needed….then go back to the fun, pleasure, rest & peace. ENJOYMENT is the point of it all right now. It’s the MEDICINE.

(I hear you, Earth Signs (especially you Virgo’s! Ha! Ha!) It’s ok. I promise…nothing will be missed. All will get done/accomplished. This is in fact the recipe that will ENSURE that it all gets accomplished)

It’s time for us all to take our “spoonful of sugar” and then….go find whatever will bring us joy right now.


In THIS moment.

Maybe it’s enjoying a coloring book. Maybe it’s candle gazing. Maybe it’s joyful movement/dance. Maybe it’s eating some gelato. Maybe it’s smelling a flower. Maybe it’s rolling around in grass. Maybe it’s dancing around your kitchen sipping a glass of wine while you listen to music while cooking.

What brings you pleasure? This is a good journaling topic. Make a list. Then FOLLOW that list. I promise, it’s a worthwhile practice. And Pleasure just for the sake of Pleasure is such a drippingly gorgeous and wonderful thing!

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