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Energy Update on Mama Gaia's Ascension

In receiving information about the upcoming Earthquake in Utah (also Idaho & Nevada), the main thing I was told to focus on is…people will be wanting comfort and information. People will be in chaos and turmoil around me. It’s up to me (and other Wayshowers) to bring peace and stability to the energy. If you are a Wayshower/Lightworker (which if you’re reading this….you are!) It’s your work to help others feel comfort…share perspective & clarity with them. And share your healing gifts!

One of the biggest reasons for these shifts is…the Oceanic waters are receiving healing. The Whales are getting what they have needed for so long! It’s been a long time coming and it’s only just begun.

Dense controlling energies have long been going after the whales. Why? The whales are the record-keepers of the Earth. The whales have been around since Lemuria. They witnessed all that happened in Lemuria, all that happened in Atlantis…and everything that’s occurred since. They roam the ocean singing the song of the Earth back to the Earth so that the records and memories are kept alive. They are kept in the waters, in the soil, in the plants. The Earth holds all records of everything that has happened. If “Evil” energies can destroy the whales, it’s akin to the Night King (in Game of Thrones) wanting to destroy the 3-eyed Raven (Bran) because that would be destroying their history.

The whales need healing! The whales need our help. Mama is shifting, to open up caverns deep in the ocean. Healing energies & frequencies will flow through those newly opened caverns and the whales will receive what they need (again, this is only just the beginning of their healing!)

Y’all that have been having Whale, Salmon, Mermaid dreams – you are awake to this!

Speaking of…the Mer-people are coming back. Not that They ever truly left. But Mama’s shifting and ascending is allowing Them to come more “to the surface” (both figuratively and literally) to share more of Their energy. Their siren song is being sung in the ocean and in caves and caverns too. The echo of those songs is being heard all over the planet by Wayshowers & Lightworkers. And again…this is just the beginning! You Lemurians have likely been hearing their call (in your dreams or otherwise) and feeling their energy. Tap in. Tune in. See what messages you get. A lot of the messages I’ve been getting from the Mer-people is about owning my own Feminine Power (aka: Sexuality.........My Guides have been teaching me that the words “power” and “sexuality” can be used interchangeably when it comes to the Feminine). Owning that power….holding it and HONING it with love and without apology is literally one of (if not THE) most healing things we can do for ourselves, for the collective and for Mama Gaia)! No exaggeration there!

The trees are the communicators. Listen to the trees. Sit and commune with the trees. Father Tree in my back yard gives me information about necessary shifts (aka: helping me know when the earthquake(s) will be…as one example) and Mama Tree in the front yard offers information about the Fae/Elementals and how they are helping with what’s happening right now. They are Master Teachers. They are the network that we must learn to plug into (it’s a way better network than your current cell phone plan! Trust me!) Create a practice surrounding communing with The Trees. It will be WELL worth your while (and bonus… it's fun! They are so fun!)

Go to water often. Put your feet in the water. Splash some water on your third eye, crown chakra, back of your neck & your heart space. Whenever possible, lay down in natural water…a stream or a creek. Let it wash over you. Water is also a communicator (Master communicator) and also it’s one of the best ways to cleanse your auric field. When you can’t get to water in nature, make good use of your time in the shower or bathtub. Turn them into rituals….consciously choosing to be energetically cleansed and cloaked with protection and informed of what needs to come through.

As Mama continues to shift, remember she’s re-setting the grids. Those grids served us well for a 3D reality. But now we are moving into 4D (and higher) and so those grids must be re-set. She shows me as she opens up those parts of her, new high frequency energies stream though those newly opened cracks (no matter how big or small) and if we can see past the chaos (what looks like chaos), we’ll see what’s really happening. Mama isn’t retaliatory. She’s not saying “I hate you all so I’ll kill you all! You’ve damaged me and so I’m going to fuck you up!” Mama isn’t retaliatory. But she IS ascending and she’s not stopping that ascension for anyone or anything. That’s what this mission is all about! That’s why we’re here. That’s what She NEEDS to do. She’s not stupid. She’s not doing this just because she’s angry and so she’s “gonna teach us a lesson!” in some awful way. She’s doing what She needs to do for Herself.

And we all should follow suit.

Stand for yourself. Stand for your communities. Stand with the conscious collective. Stand against the patriarchal capitalist energy that desperately wants to stay in control. Their systems/structures ARE falling. Mama is making it so. Be on the “right” side of Herstory. Stand with the conscious collective. Stand with Mama. And enjoy the ride! Because ….as I keep saying…I don’t want to miss this! And I don’t want you to miss it either!

Much love!

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