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demons (always with a lowercase “d”) are entities that have never had a physical human body. It’s essentially mutated energy that was fed enough and existed long enough that it then turned into a demon.

We’ve allowed that term…”demon” to scare the shit out of us. But the funny thing is, most of them exist because WE nurtured the energy that fed them. We nurtured them, fed them & provided ample space for them in order for them to grow into the energy they are now. We were even scared to release them, to let them go….to be without them. So, have no fear….the chances that you’ve already been living with an ancestral demon (or more than 1) is like 99.9%. It’s nothing to FEAR. But it’s something that everyone MUST be aware of.

There are many types of demons, but for today I’ll talk about the most common one…

Ancestral demons.

This started long ago (likely) as mutated energy that wasn’t addressed and was allowed to grow. Ancestral demons get passed down through the lineage. And these are sometimes demons that we have personally created from scratch…from our own thought and then continued to feed until they grew strong (but we’ll talk more in depth about that one later. Right now I want to focus on ANCESTRAL demons).

These demons can be banished…sure. But they will only just easily come back until we heal the energy that allowed them to be created in the first place. And we must stop feeding them. They feed off of fear. That’s their main source of food. And BELIEF SYSTEMS is what allows the fear to exist.

So people ask me how to banish demons. Ok, that’s do-able. We want the salt, we want the rusty nails, we want to burn cleansing herbs/resins (and sure, these all help and ARE needed) but we rarely look at the most effective banishing tool…..healing the beliefs, programmings and energies that allowed them to be created in the first place. And healing the beliefs, programmings and energies that allowed them to continue to be fed (aka: cut them off from their feeding source!)

And the good news is….you also have many very healthy and well (and elevated) Ancestors to be with you constantly and to help you with this, to uphold you while you do this work. They are your greatest ally’s! Your most solid and wonderful “Team”. They love you and will never leave your side. They will uphold and support you! Call Them in! Be with Them! Connect with Them. And allow Them to help you.

Another comforting thing is - you don’t have to fear demons….because YOU are the higher vibrational energy. And the higher vibrational energy is the “director” of the room. The “boss” of the situation. There's no need to fear them/this. There's only the need to...own your power. To step into your power and know that You hold the higher vibration.

I’ve talked about this a few times before but Spirit has been really on my case to increase the levels/layers in which I address this. Because we ALL need to address this! No one is making it through this time in Earth’s history/herstory without doing their Ancestral work. And that includes this. Really if you think about it, everything is Ancestral work. This is all about Ancestral work. It likely seems very scary to think about even starting this work. It can be really scary to look at the mutated energy in our ancestral line. But if it exists in our Ancestral line, then it exists in US (like currently)! And I know that we all would want to address that.

And as we address that, we ascend. And as we ascend, Mama ascends. And as Mama ascends, the energy of this planet turns lighter and we can experience more of what we’ve always dreamed of.

A very worth-while goal I’d say!

Post your questions, comments, stories (or whatever!) here. Let’s get into it!

Much love! Mwah!

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