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Daring to see ourselves as we really are.

I watched “August Rush” tonight. I needed to watch something that would make me cry. I didn’t realize it until I was like 5 minutes into the movie, but it’s been SO intense lately and I’ve had to “hold it together” just logistically….to get my work done, to get my son’s remote schooling for the day done, to take clients, etc But then it got to the point where I needed a little help to cry. If I get to that point, we know it’s been intense. Because I usually just let myself cry. It was perfect though. Oh, the message there of SLOWING DOWN and LISTENING.

I’ve been DYING for connection time. But not to connect with other humans (I mean there is that) but to COMMUNE with my Guides. To connect with Mama Gaia. To be with the ENERGY. The energy has been calling to me SO hugely lately. There’s something I’m connected to that we can’t see yet. Not in this “reality”. I’m connected to what is coming. What is it? We know it’s freedom. At least more freedom than has ever existed on this planet. Freedom for what? Freedom FROM what? I see myself on a platform high above this current existence. I’ve been seeing it for a while. It’s where I exist. Well, really where I come from is FAR different than this and FAR away from this. But in this realm, within this earthly human experience/incarnation, THIS PLANE…this platform is where I exist. I’m standing in a space where almost no one else stands.

It’s not because I’m better. It has nothing to do with that. It’s just what I see.

I remember a dream I had many years ago. Damn…like 10 years ago now. I went to sleep asking to have a dream about what my purpose was for this life. I dreamed that I was standing in the middle of a field. The field was gold. (That’s why Sting’s “Fields of Gold” song has ALWAYS spoken to me) The field was grain. But the whole field was golden. As golden as can be. Sparkly golden. I looked at the ground in front of me and I willed the ground to turn into a step. A stair appeared in front of me. I stepped onto it. Then I willed another step to appear and it did. Then another then another and I climbed and climbed. I got high up. I was climbing a spiral staircase….one that I was creating with each thought as I moved up up up. It was a golden spiral staircase. I woke up and thought to myself “What? If this is really why I’m here & who I am…….I am a CREATOR!”

That dream…that vision has been unfolding in my life step by step. Just as I climbed. And now I can not UN-see it. I am a CREATOR! I don’t say that lightly like “I’m creative” (which is awesome and amazing too). I say that in the way of KNOWING WHO I AM for REAL. Like FOR REAL! For REAL for REAL! To know who I AM while being in this human body on this earthly plain is utterly overwhelmingly beautiful. All throughout my childhood I was taught that I had to turn to God.

I AM God!

And She/He is Me.

We are One.

And I can feel nothing except for blissful peace in the FULL realization of this. I am SO thankful! I am SO full!

THIS! This is what I’ve been longing for! This is what I’ve been waiting for. I’ve been DYING inside the past little bit while the rest of the world slowed down but my life stayed busy. I’ve been DYING inside knowing that THIS has been waiting for me.

A friend asked me today what my word for the day is. I told her “Communion” And I did it. I finally got quiet. I finally felt the connection. I finally saw the jewel hiding in the muck. It wasn’t hard to find. I just needed to be patient until it was time.

Now… what to do with this?

The answer I get is……CREATE! CREATION! PURE CREATION! The world that is awaiting us can be seen only by us Wayshowers. I know that I AM a Wayshower. I definitely am. But to show the way, you have to know the way. And I am seeing the way. It’s light. It’s free. It’s the OPPOSITE of dense. It’s free-flowing, abundant and loving. There’s nothing but room. Nothing but space. Nothing but sacredness. Everyone giving their all and showing their souls is welcome and beautiful and perfect. Everyone makes everyone else MORE. Everyone makes the space more loving and welcome.

There is only light.

That light has been found through much darkness. Those willing to walk through the darkness… THEIR darkness…those are the ones that will be prepared to stand in SUCH light.

It’s US that came to show the way. It’s US that said “yes” to the call …the call to show Mama Gaia how to be Herself again. She’s shirking off the old chains and raising up up up into Her light. With every earthquake…with every tiny or big shudder…I see Her be Her bravest, strongest self….shedding the old to step into Her new.

Giving Birth to Her new Self.

And She and I are partners. We’re in this together.

She’s brave – I’m brave.

I’m rising – She’s rising.

We’re doing this together. And the biggest challenge in my human life so far has been to stretch myself enough to dare to believe that this is actually true.


Tonight I know it’s true. It’s hard to wrap my “brain” around. But my brain really has nothing to do with this. My Minds know it’s true. My three Minds align to accept this truth.

And my life has prepared me to be able to do so……….while in a “human” body. While on this “Earthly” plane. And that is what’s happening right now. THAT is why We are here. THIS is the mission.

And………..we aint seen nothing yet!

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