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Aquarian Full Moon Feels

Whew! Every single post of mine can (and will!) start with “These energies have been INTENSE!” Because that’s how it is all the time now! I went into ceremony three days ago and I feel like I’m finally really coming up for air. The messages and teachings received make me feel all the feels! It’s such an exciting time! There has NEVER been times like these! (Now there's an understatement!)

If you’ve been teetering on the edge…that spot between the old and the new, it’s time to take the step into your new now. Into mastery. Into freedom. Into liberation on all fronts! Into JOY.

I know it seems scary. You feel like you’re stepping into the unknown. But the truth is, YOU’VE BEEN LIVING IN THE UNKNOWN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!

You’ll actually finally be stepping into the most natural way of being. You’ll find that you DO know how to navigate these realms. Because these realms aren’t arbitrary & dense. They aren’t capitalist constructs. The capitalist patriarchal world is tearing down (which, I know…it looks like chaos) so that we can finally see the peace and beauty that has always existed beneath. Don’t feel sadness that systems/structures are collapsing! There are piles of treasures under these structures! These structures are what has brought us pain and separation. We bought into the lies they told us that these systems/structures were needed. Those were lies. And now we are waking up.

Now is a time to be AWAKE.

No one will survive these times without consciously choosing to wake up. Do your work that you came to this planet to do. Stay in alignment with who you truly are and what you are here to do. And then you not only will SURVIVE. You will THRIVE. The joy that my Guides are showing me is possible makes my body shake and my heart scream out in bliss!

We will go through death and be re-born more times than we can count in this life. But it all leads to freedom!

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