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I am a Medium. I am a Channeler. I am an Intuitive. I am a dreamworker. I am a Connector. I am a Weaver. I am one experienced in traveling between and through realms.


I am a Wayshower.


What I do is…. show others how to step through open doors in their lives. And if that door is not already open? We will open it. I connect people to the source that holds their answers. I facilitate experiences that lead to finding wholeness within yourself. I show you pathways within liminal spaces where truth and treasures exist.


So, what does that mean?


Have you ever had a dream that shook or changed you, but you didn’t know what it meant or why it changed you? Have you ever felt an energy or a feeling when you entered a room, but not known what it was or what to call it? Have you ever had this strange feeling in the middle of the night like there are 100 pair of eyes on you…like you’re not alone in the room? You can’t explain it. You can’t see anyone…but, you have this feeling.


And have you ever wondered if there truly ever is a way to experience complete wholeness within yourself? But you have no idea what that would even look like?

What if you could talk to someone that could show you what parts to explore and take a deeper look at? Then all of a sudden, it’s like you see the beginning of this thread that you can begin to pull. You pull the thread and it keeps going and as you do, more and more comes out. The more you see of it, the more you know. I can help you find the beginning of that thread. I can help Guide you how to pull it.


Let’s find and pull these threads.


That’s what I do. I teach & guide people on how to move through (and dance with) these energies. These things that are felt but not necessarily seen.


And what could be more fun and interesting than that?


I use many modalities in my work. Medium work, channeling, exploring the dream state, reiki and tarot. If you wish to experience any of these things on their own, I would be delighted.


Let’s walk through the doorway together.

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